Kodak Ektra Cemera Test in 2018



Mobile Phones

A leading global manufacturer focused on commercial print and advanced materials & chemicals. We believe in the power of technology and science to enhance…

Kodak EKTRA Smartphone : Electronics

評分 3.5 (74) Device Specifications · 21 MP Main Camera & 13MP Front Camera · DSLR style with 8 Scene Selections · HDR Imaging with PDAF · 4K Video Capture · 32GB Expandable ...

Kodak Ektra (phone)

The Kodak Ektra was a smartphone built and sold by the Bullitt Group using a design that referenced the 1941 Kodak Ektra camera. The phone was not built by ...

Kodak Ektra review: Kodak shouldn't have made this phone

評分 5.2/10 · Andrew Lanxon · The Ektra tries to be a great camera and a high-end phone at once, but it's not great at being either.

Kodak Mobile Phones

The Kodak Ektra is powered by 1.4GHz deca-core MediaTek Helio X20 (MT6797) processor and it comes with 3GB of RAM. The phone packs 32GB of internal storage that ...

Kodak 手機資料館Kodak Phone Database

首頁 手機平板 手機資料館 Kodak. 所有Kodak 手機. 所有像素, 800 萬以下, 800 至1200 萬, 1200 至1600 萬, 1600 萬或以上. 所有屏幕尺寸, 4 寸以下, 4 寸至5 寸, 5 寸至 ...

KODAK 柯達智慧型手機專用底片幻燈片掃描器(RODMFS50) 台灣 ...

組合式機身,收納便利不占位 □適用35mm底片與幻燈片 □3號電池供電,拆裝容易不費力 □專屬APP編輯,色調亮度一次搞定. 庫存數:0. 市價NT$1490 售價NT$1490. 此商品可以刷卡.

Profile for Kodak Phones TW

Kodak Phones TW. 6147 likes. KODAK手機台灣總代理官方粉絲團(皇鋒通訊) A classic is born.Again. 經典重生Don't Just Capture. Create 創照更勝拍照.

Kodak Ektra Review

供應中 評分 3.0 · The Kodak Ektra is a $400 Android phone that doubles as a point-and-shoot camera, sparing you the hassle of carrying around two devices.


Aleadingglobalmanufacturerfocusedoncommercialprintandadvancedmaterials&chemicals.Webelieveinthepoweroftechnologyandsciencetoenhance…,評分3.5(74)DeviceSpecifications·21MPMainCamera&13MPFrontCamera·DSLRstylewith8SceneSelections·HDRImagingwithPDAF·4KVideoCapture·32GBExpandable ...,TheKodakEktrawasasmartphonebuiltandsoldbytheBullittGroupusingadesignthatreferencedthe1941KodakEktracamera.The...